Professional of the Year - Accounting/Tax Preparation

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Joan G. McNeil

Title: Owner, Enrolled Agent
Industry: Accounting/Tax Preparation
Type of Organization: Tax Preparation and Accounting Service
Major Product/Service: Providing accounting and tax preparation services; Providing continuing education to tax professionals
Expertise: With over 40 years of accounting experience in both the public and private industries, Ms. McNeil oversees the company's operations. She provides accounting and tax preparation services for small business and individuals. She also has over 8 years experience providing continuing education to tax professionals.
Geographic Area of Distribution: National
Affiliations: Business Leaders Network; N.A.T.P.; N.A.S.E.A.; W.S.T.C.
University/Degree: A.A., Accounting, Macomb Community College, 1966
Hobbies/Sports: Quilting, teaching sewing, seamstress
Children: Brenda, Julie
Work History: Previously, Ms. McNeil served as an accountant in corporate America, and as a controller with the building contractor's industry and the union system.
Honors & Awards: #1 in Vancouver, Washington, 5x winner